Upcoming holiday hours: 12/24: Open from 7:30AM - 12:00PM; 12/25: Closed; 12/31: Open from 7:30AM - 12:00PM; 1/1: Closed

Portland Auto Repair

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Auto Repair in East Hampton, CT

The town of East Hampton, CT, is located in Middlesex County, bordering the Connecticut River east of Portland. East Hampton covers a land area of more than 35 square miles, home to a population of nearly 13,000 people.

The early community was incorporated in 1767 as the township of Chatham, renamed East Hampton in 1915. Nicknamed “Belltown, USA,” East Hampton had become the center of bell manufacturing in the 19th century. The last original bell shop suffered a fire in 2012 but continues to operate today in a new location. Present-day East Hampton includes the villages of Cobalt, Middle Haddam and Lake Pocotopaug, along with such points of interest as the Chatham Historical Society Museum and the Joseph N. Goff Cultural Center. Hurd State Park sits in the town’s southwest corner along the river.

Since 1992, Portland Automotive has served the auto repair needs of drivers from East Hampton with the highest standards of quality. In fact, our shop has been proudly run by the same owner for more than 26 years. Our team works hard every day to uphold our reputation as your reasonable alternative to any high-priced dealership. We’re conveniently located in nearby Portland, where you’ll always get incomparable customer service across the board.