Upcoming holiday hours: 12/24: Open from 7:30AM - 12:00PM; 12/25: Closed; 12/31: Open from 7:30AM - 12:00PM; 1/1: Closed

Portland Auto Repair

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NASTF Key Programming


We are now proud to offer key cutting and programming! Our shop is equipped with National Automotive Service Task Force (NASFT) key programming and cutting for any vehicle keys or fobs. Our staff has been training so we are prepared to serve any customer's needs.

Every so often, a shop may need to replace or reprogram a module that involves a vehicle’s security systems. Until now, the only way to do that was with a NASTF Vehicle Security Credential or with a tool of questionable origins and, all too often, cyber security risks. There might be 25 percent of U.S. shops that have staffing at that level, from IT to diagnostics and tooling. That means all the other repair shops are not taking that work or, if they are, they’re struggling through it. But Portland Automotive saw a need in the community and decided to invest time and training for the convenience of our community. 

Our shop is open to customers and even body shops struggling to program or even cut keys for customers. There are cycle time issues, and many times, a collision shop will discover they need to perform one of these operations just when they are about to deliver the car. Except for a very few cases, they aren’t doing it in-house, so they drag it to a dealership, which already might be busy to perform just one operation, not to mention that the insurance company all of sudden has an additional supplemental — the car could end up being delayed two more weeks when all it needed was 10 minutes with an expert. We have consistently been your dealership alternative and continue to expand to save you time and money.


