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Portland Auto Repair

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Monthly Archives: April 2022

What are the Different Types of Tire Damage?

What are the Different Types of Tire Damage?

Keeping your car in excellent condition guarantees a smooth ride, longevity, and safety. But knowing how to keep it in this state, you need to understand what may go wrong, how to fix it, and how to prevent the problem. For instance, tires are a vital part of your car. While they help in motion by providing a firm grip on the road, they are still prone to damage. Here are common tire damages you should know. Tire Damages Uneven tread wear The most common types of irregular wear are from normal tire usage, also called heel and toe wear caused by friction on the road, one-sided wear caused by wheel misalignment, and center wear caused by over-inflation. Check your car's tread bars and identify the location and amount of wear which tells you the damage type. It also causes handling and traction problems. Tire Punctures Tire punctures are caused by sharp objects such as nails, broken glass, screws, sharp stones on rough roads, and more. When punctured, your tires lose pressure lead ... read more

NASTF Key Programming

NASTF Key Programming

  We are now proud to offer key cutting and programming! Our shop is equipped with National Automotive Service Task Force (NASFT) key programming and cutting for any vehicle keys or fobs. Our staff has been training so we are prepared to serve any customer's needs. Every so often, a shop may need to replace or reprogram a module that involves a vehicle’s security systems. Until now, the only way to do that was with a NASTF Vehicle Security Credential or with a tool of questionable origins and, all too often, cyber security risks. There might be 25 percent of U.S. shops that have staffing at that level, from IT to diagnostics and tooling. That means all the other repair shops are not taking that work or, if they are, they’re struggling through it. But Portland Automotive saw a need in the community and decided to invest time and training for the convenience of our community.  Our shop is open to customers and even body shops struggling to program or even cut ... read more

